Some guidelines for Informational Interviews
For when you're trying to jump start a career exploration or job search and you know you need to be "networking."
How to pick the people you reach out to:
If you feel an authentic interest in them, their work or the organization they work for - reach out!
If it feels like a big fat SHOULD, then move on. You’re finding your calling, not trying to smoosh yourself into an ugly little career path.
Remember 90% of the conversations you have won’t lead to anything cool. And a lot of people won’t even respond. That’s okay. It’s a numbers game. The 10% of conversations that light your fire make it all worth it.
After you do an informational interview consider the following:
Did anything about the person or the things you talked about resonate for you?
If yes, follow up with the person and follow the thread of the interview
If no, send a thank you email and move on (and CONGRATULATE yourself for your excellent self knowledge)
Try to find one or two trusted advisors to check in with regularly for a non-agenda-driven career chat. Tell them who you have been talking with, what has piqued your interest, and how you are feeling about the whole thing.
You know you are on the right track when you are feeling excited, energized, intrigued, validated, enthuzed, welcomed and respected.
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